
We understand some patients might be anxious undergoing surgery. Comfort plays a big part in our treatment of patients. We have extensive training and experience in anesthesia, which allows us to select the most appropriate technique for your care. Their experience combined with state of the art surgical suites and monitoring systems, ensures your safety and provides a comfortable experience.

Types of Anesthesia:

Local Anesthesia – a local anesthetic is injected into your tissues to numb the area to be worked on. With local anesthesia you stay awake and are aware of what is happening without pain. You may eat normally up until the time of your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas) – Nitrous Oxide is a form of a light inhalation anesthetic which relaxes you and makes you less aware of your surroundings. Its effects quickly wear off within a few minutes so that there are no lingering sedative effects. You may not eat or drink anything for two hours prior to the scheduled surgery time.

Intravenous Sedation and General Anesthesia (asleep for surgery)
An I.V. is placed to allow administration of Sedative Medications. This allows a patient to have a procedure done without remembering the procedure. This is the preferred method for difficult surgical procedures and to eliminate experiencing an unpleasant procedure. The effects of IV Sedation and General Anesthesia usually result in a patient remaining sedated (drowsy) for 12 – 24 hours following the procedure.

Important Instructions Regarding Intravenous Sedation
Nitrous Oxide Analgesia