Fairfax Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Drs. Zussman*, Smith, Dolan, Lane*, Silloway, Park, Theberge & Ramsey
Bone Grafting
Video: Anterior Socket Grafting
Orthognathic Surgery

Why do I need Bone Grafting?

The purpose of your jawbone is to support your natural teeth and roots. In areas where teeth have been lost, the bone loses its purpose and naturally shrinks or melts away over time. sometimes, there can be bone loss around an existing tooth, due to infection, gum disease, or trauma. In any of these situations, new bone must be grafted to create an ideal and stable site for the palcement of implants.

What is bone grafting and what is involved?

Bone grafting is done to prepare a site that is deficient in height and/or width for dental implants. There are several bone grafting techniques and bone grafting materials available. The technique and materials used will be determined at your consultation appointment. Our surgeons will recommend the best treatment options available.

Members of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Diplomates of the American Board of Oral    and Maxillofacial Surgery
* * Board Eligible * Emeritus  
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