Fairfax Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Drs. Zussman*, Smith, Dolan, Lane*, Silloway, Park, Theberge & Ramsey
Meet Our Staff

Administrative Staff:

Our front desk staff are informed administrative professionals that are well-versed in both dental and medical insurance. As the patient advocate, they will help coordinate care with the referring/restorative dentist, making the dentist-surgical relationship as seamless as possible. They will assist with scheduling appointments in a timely manner and act as a resource to answer questions regarding the policies and procedures of the practice.

Surgical Staff:

Our surgical staff are carefully trained to work in concert with our doctors to assure excellent surgical care. All are certified in Basic Life Support and have been trained to assist the Doctor to safely administer and monitor anesthesia. Many have successfully completed the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Anesthesia Assistants Program. Our assistants are a wonderful resource for questions regarding procedures and post operative care.

Karen Nash -Surgical Coordinator

Karen Nash has worked for the practice since 1984. Her expertise is in helping patients who require reconstructive jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) or other more extensive surgical procedures. Karen will facilitate your care from your initial appointment to your final post operative visit. She offers a wealth of information on the role that insurance plays in your care and will make sure that your insurance company has the information they need to consider your case. Karen and our practice are committed to your obtaining any benefits to which you are entitled.

Jennifer Elmore - Administrative Implant Treatment Coordinator

Jen Elmore has worked with our practice since 1986. She has focused her attention on Implant Treatment Coordination since 1990 and oversees all aspects of our implant practice. Jen has lectured on the role of the Implant Coordinator in dental practice and regularly attends local and national meetings to remain abreast of advancements in the field of Implant Dentistry. She is your liaison between the restorative dentist and surgeon and is committed to assuring a smooth transition from surgical treatment to finished result.

Cookie Sewell- Implant Treatment Coordinator

Cookie Sewell is our Implant Treatment Coordinator. Cookie has been with the practice since 1993. Cookie works tirelessly to ensure that the treatment goals of dentist, patient and surgeon are seamlessly integrated throughout all phases of your care. She is available to answer your questions and will do all possible to assure you are fully informed.

Ashley Perrotte- Referral Relations Coordinator

Ashley Perrotte has worked with the practice since 2013. Her friendly demeanor and welcoming personality make her a perfect fit for this position. Ashley is responsible for establishing and maintaining an open and supportive working relationship between our surgeons and your dentist. She is a great resource and will do all possible to make the interaction between dentist, surgeon and patient a positive experience.

Members of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Diplomates of the American Board of Oral    and Maxillofacial Surgery
* * Board Eligible * Emeritus  
  • Fairfax VA
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